Sharing the Love of Jesus with the World

Old Mount Zion Baptist Church

Sunday School @ 10:00

Sunday Worship @ 11:00

Wednesday Evening @ 6:00 

1st Wednesday of each month 10:30 am

Ponce de Leon, Florida, 32455

Old Mount Zion Baptist Church: Planting Seeds for the Kingdom of God!
1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.



Come and Worship with us Each Sunday Morning and Wednesdays  


Come to Jesus He will give you rest!

Christmas Service With Brunch at 9:45 am and Service at 11:00 am 

Food Distribution January 2nd @ 1:00 pm

Food Distribution March 5th @ 1:00 pm

Food Distribution May 7th @ 1:00 pm  


Serving God and Serving Others

Family is the first institution of God. Therefore, it is of great importance to God and to us. We support the family structure and make the church a place you can feel like family.  

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, and without faith it is impossible to please God. Because of this, we place a great importance on preaching the gospel. 

The Bible tells us, “Not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together” it is important for believers to have a church home, and people they can fellowship with regularly.  

We thank you for visiting our web page, and invite you to come and worship with us at Old Mount Zion Baptist Church.

Old Mt Zion Baptist Church
1918 Old Mt Zion Road
Ponce de Leon, Florida 32455